Winter growth and winter colors

The mild weather this week gave us plenty of colors to look at. Is it too early to hope for spring?

So I had to make sure the bathroom greenhouse was emptied so that the tender plants could get some sun. From the split-personality variegated Pesto Perpetuo basil…

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…to the irrepressible Oriental Limelight artemisia and Easy Wave petunias bustin’ out of their pots…

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…to the vibrant loropetalum burgeoning with blossoms…

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…from an unexpected previous-year volunteer (Sorbet Coconut Swirl Viola)…

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…to the unpredictable buds on the Encore Azalea Autumn Monarch…

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…and the lovely winter foliage of the Lanai Purple Star verbena.

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The signs of spring are everywhere–you just have to look closely.

Coming up next: my 2012 seed orders!

Winter Yard Works

Larkspur, flax, and viola seeds have been planted. We had plenty of mulching,  raking and chainsawing to do this weekend. I also accomplished cleaning out the tree ring bed, scattering some marigold seeds in the process. Elsewhere, the mild weather is enticing bulbs and flowers to put out color and growth. Coral Nymph salvia managed to bloom in a protected spot, while the variegated lemon thyme shows off some pink color. The loropetalum in the purple bed is about to burst into fuschia flowers, while the dusty miller grows taller in the pansy bed. I hope to purchase more seeds soon!

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Photinia hack job

Spent Sunday afternoon raking leaves and managed to snag 3 bagfuls from the front yard. Too bad we don’t have a compost bin to utilize the debris…though I may have found some 3×3 wire bins on The man started hacking down the photinia. The plan is to install a bed where it currently sits and perhaps put up a barrier on the other side of the chain link fence. Preference for plants would be any shrub that isn’t established too close to the fence. The black spot-ridden photinia was an aggressive grower that grew through the links of the fence.

1/16/2012 Photinia Hack Job (1)

Spring to summer seed packets

I stopped by North Haven Gardens this weekend to pick up some seeds. It was very difficult to resist picking up their 50% off sale on spring bulbs! I can’t wait to outdoor sow them! The rains this past weekend has made the ground damp enough for me to put down some violas into the door strip bed.

1/11/2012 Spring Seed Packets (1)

Also: picked up some cat grass seed for the kitty; he’s taken a huge interest in the ginger plants I have parked by the door.

Under the grow lights

The top growth on the eggplant died, but some foliage is emerging from the root ball. Looks like I’ll be able to keep this eggplant come spring. Still planning on using the single fruit for seed stock–I can’t imagine it’s edible up till now. All of the potted plants are taking up counter space, limiting the amount of real estate I can use to grow from seed. We’ll see what happens when mid-month rolls around.

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