Variegated Turks Caps
My wishlist item has arrived, one of several purchases I recently ordered off Etsy.
Colors are stunning. I’m excited to place these variegated Turks Caps somewhere soon. I’m considering training them into tree form.

The challenge now is determining if I should pot these or squeezing them into a flower beds, if I have room.
Hostas on Display
Spring hostas are in their broadleafed prime now mid-May, with some sending out buds and blooms.
Dancing Darling is of course a beast, overflowing the shade bed.

Color Glory is a step down in size but no less robust.

Island Breeze is a nice glowing addition to the shade bed.

Hans is always an eye catcher, but the creamy white leaves will start frying from the occasional sun.

The only failed start this year is Fire and Ice, which appeared to be the breakfast of champions. Not sure if it was slugs or insects but it got eaten to the ground. Hoping it’ll come back stronger and sooner.

The shade bed still receives a blast of morning sun which tends to dry the hostas. Still developing a solution to this

Plant Porn @IG
Plant Wishlist Spring 2024
My plant wishlist for 2024 stayed surprisingly modest. I still had some plants from previous years that definitely stayed in my plant shopping consciousness early this spring.
I pulled the trigger on one of those wishlist items in March when I attended Rose Weekend at North Haven Gardens.

My Rock N Roll rose now sits in a spot vacated by previous rose tenants. It displayed some new leaf growth and as of today is tipped with rosebuds.
In a previous post, I lamented the lack of volunteer basils this year. So I added African blue basils to my wish, which I will likely have to shop for to obtain the sterile version.
My stock tank garden is sparsely populated with green onions. I got a heads up that there may be some heat tolerant romaine lettuces in the market that I can try to grow. However, I need to figure out what’s been grazing on the plants in one of my stock tanks. The green onions and chives that I planted in it have been razed to the ground. I may have to drop some marigolds in there just to deter pests.
This past weekend on May 11th, I attended the Denton County Master Gardener garden tour. It was an opportunity to see how Denton county gardeners beautified their outdoor spaces. I enjoyed walking through four yards and a community garden, got to talk to homeowners as well as docents who volunteered their time to manage this tour.
I got really excited when I spotted some must-haves for my wish list at the tour. Flame Thrower redbuds, purple coneflowers, Egyptian walking onions, and a variegated Turks cap won my attention.
As soon as I got home, I shopped Etsy and found variegated Turks caps for sale at a vendor in South Carolina. Sold!!!

A couple of homes heavily featured native plantings which made me appreciate more the Texas tough perennials and annuals that thrive in our climate.
Overall, it was a great tour and we enjoyed mild weather to walk through all the beautiful yardscapes.