Easy plantings for difficult tree rings

The tree ring in the front yard is a terribly challenging spot to grow. Last year I seed the area with Cosmic Red and Yellow Cosmos which somehow managed to find only the sunny spots to root in. The ring therefore ended up with too many bald patches taken up by weeds.

This year I hope to heavily reseed by obtaining good amounts from Stokes. They had larger volumes available of the Yellow and Red varieties. This year, I intend to introduce two different ever-flowering varieties of plant. For a foreground, I’ve chosen annual alyssum…most likely a white-flowered cultivar. To background the cosmos, I determined that the prolific scarlet sage or salvia coccinea would have no trouble adapting to the arid conditions under the tree ring. I already witnessed the rampant prolific nature of the bicolor Coral Nymph sage which nearly overran the purple bed, and I’m certain that a red-flowered coccinea, such as Lady In Red, would suit the barren conditions in the tree ring. My fave wildflower seed distributor also carries this salvia seed in bulk.