Author: variadm
May Gallery of Flowers
The lilies are blooming
They’re out! They started making a showing last weekend. The earliest of the bloomers are the red Asiatics…the yellow Asiatics started popping out about 2 days later. Hot on their heels are the Lollipops, with their creamy centers rimmed with rose pink.
April Gallery of Flowers
Sowing that I forgot to mention
The weekend prior to the previous posting, I actually was able to get seeds sown into the beds. I dumped all of the Wildseed Farms mix into B5, and scattered White Cosmos, Cornflower and Damascena seeds in S1 and B3. I also got a new gaura, Passionate Blush, planted in B4. We saw some rain last Thursday night, after tornadoes ripped thru parts of the DFW area. Luckily, the seeds weren’t scattered about by the strong winds. This morning, I saw some seedlings sprouting in S1, most likely Cosmos seedlings.
I also managed to do a little trimming on the salvia that got too leggy in the back beds. I especially took some cuttings of the purple salvia, and am looking forward to getting it to root. The white salvia cuttings I took earlier this month have finally shown some rootstock. I plan on transplanting them into soil very shortly. No root stock on the salvia chamaedryoides yet.
I have to mention that the dianthus chinensis in all the beds are putting on a brilliant display…tons and tons of flowers.