April Unboxing

Time to unbox some online plant purchases!

Bluestone Perennials shipped me a nice package containing heucherella (Buttered Rum), veronica (Aztec Gold, echinacea (Hot Papaya) and agastache (Summer Glow) plants that I purchased in late February:

David’s Dragonfly Farm also sent me some nice daylily clumps, White Parasol and Seductor:

As I started to working the new additions into the flower beds, I had to stop and admire the Autumn Lily azalea’s prolific blooms.

Scenes from the March Garden part 2

The (nearly) everblooming Double Knockout Rose is off to an energetic start this year.


This is the first time since planting that I’ve seen multiple blooms on the Mountain Flame delosperma.

Tiny but mighty pink blooms on this groundcover thyme. (Can’t remember which thyme this is…Elfin? Woolly?)

Betony, salvia and Autumn Lily Azalea:


The bulbs are blooming!


Planter purchases: