Salvia on my mind

With the pending move to a house, my excitement builds with the thought of landscaping and gardening. Salvias have been on the top of my shopping list so far…and I am eager to obtain some rare cultivars to add to the flower beds.

Salvia chamaedryoides
Salvia greggii Chiffon
Salvia greggii Creme Caramel
Salvia greggii Peach
Salvia greggii Rachel
Salvia greggii Salmon
Salvia greggi Sierra San Antonio
Salvia greggii Stormy Pink
Salvia greggii Sungold (Devon Cream)
Salvia greggii Teresa
Salvia greggii Texas Wedding
Salvia greggii Yellow Cloud
Salvia x jamensis California Sunset
Salvia x jamensis Cienega de Oro
Salvia microphylla Hot Lips

Unfortunately, I have to report that the my potted salvia are scraggly and dropping leaves. The white one in particular I had to prune down to a couple of stalks after a fierce rainy season drowned it in its pot. I can’t wait to set these plants free in the landscape.

True Blue

The first genetically engineered blue rose will hit Japanese markets in November. Sadly, the rest of the world won’t get to see this bioengineered lilac-blue marvel until 2011. Still I’m always eager to try out my hand at rose gardening…and if I had a choice, this would be the first of them. Now if only they can engineer some blue lilies or daylilies someday. Florigene has already done it with roses and carnations!