Some of the garden tasks for this spring includes up-potting the various cutting, seedlings, new and last-year plants.
I collected many volunteer Black Diamond heirloom watermelon seedlings popping up in the yard to give away.
March is the start of the busy gardening season. So posts come and go sporadically as I try to prep the garden, sow seeds, transplant starts and putter around back and forth trying to get as much yardwork done as possible.
But it’s also a chance to look, reflect and gaze upon the daily pulse of spring as it progresses slowly throughout the month.
Here are some new plants that I installed this week: verbena and delphinium.
Some emerging signs of life and budding from the golden oregano, lorapetalum, serissa, ligustrum, abelia, phlox, ajuga, shantung maple and redbud.
I’m also constantly working the flower beds, with special focus on the shade bed on the side of the house inside the fence line.
I’ve caught the spring fever bug if you’ve sneaked a peek at my Instagram. Temperatures in the North Texas area are in the low 80s for the past week. It was time for my seasonal commute to North Haven Gardens and big box stores around town.
First, off to North Haven Gardens…herbs, colorful annuals and perennials snagged:
I wanted to start some lemongrass from seed, but haven’t found any local retailers selling seed. Calloway’s Nursery in Denton had this one specimen in stock, so I figured I’d pick it up…along with a bag of expanded shale. The kitties like inspecting grassy things.
I need to shop for some catgrass seed!
I finally found some Red Rubin basil seeds at Home Depot. Couldn’t resist picking up lily bulbs and more annual/perennial color. Weekend garden project, here we come!
The (nearly) everblooming Double Knockout Rose is off to an energetic start this year.
This is the first time since planting that I’ve seen multiple blooms on the Mountain Flame delosperma.
Tiny but mighty pink blooms on this groundcover thyme. (Can’t remember which thyme this is…Elfin? Woolly?)
Betony, salvia and Autumn Lily Azalea:
The bulbs are blooming!
Planter purchases: